Countries at risk Thanks to a very successful vaccination programme, the risk in England and other developed countries is very low. Diphtheria cases continue to be reported in South-East Asia, South America, Africa and India where vaccination programmes in childhood may not be as thorough as in other countries.

Travel Precautions

Diphtheria is a disease that is now rarely seen except in more developing countries such as in  Africa and South Asia where fewer people are vaccinated against Diphtheria. It is very important to have good hand hygiene in places with higher risks of Diphtheria by washing your hands often with soap or hand sanitizer.

Signs & Symptoms

Diphtheria affects the respiratory system and the throat and therefore a large majority of the symptoms occur in this area of the body. Symptoms include a sore throat, breathing difficulties and a grey-white membrane developing in the throat. Other symptoms such as a heavy cough, bluish skin colorization and rapid/shallow breathing may also be noticed.

The Vaccination

The childhood vaccination programmes includes a vaccine against Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio. Once the childhood course is completed travelers need a booster every 10 years when planning on travel to higher risk areas.